Most of the cities in India specially in Tamil Nadu is not updated or added. If added will be better
Most of the cities in India specially in Tamil Nadu is not updated or added. If added will be better
Jazakallhu khaira. Very important apps for all Muslim
Fazor time different then local time.
Excellent app for a new convert!
Alhumdulillah this is excellent site and I have used around the world. After recent update I am noticing it location of the house or subdivision is not accurate. Please confirm. Jazak Allah khairun
Great with directions and salaat times. Given 4 stars simply because it needs to make allowance to adjust the date by an offset of 1 or 2 days. Currently the date for my area is off by 1 day because we work solely on the moon sighting and not scientific calculation
This app does not correctly display the direction of the qibla. The direction to face in accordance with Quran Al Baqarah ayat 150. And wherever you come from, turn your face towards the Sacred Mosque. And wherever you may be, turn your faces towards it. So that the people may not have any argument against you-except those who do wrong among them. So do not fear them, but fear Me, that I may complete My blessings upon you, and that you may be guided. Being in South Korea your app suggest that the qibla direction is Northwest when Saudi Arabia is clearly Southwest of the Korean Peninsula. Similarly I believe this app and website may have caused more fitna in the Muslim community in the US as your app suggest the qibla is in the Northeast when Saudi Arabia is clearly Southeast just from Florida let alone the rest of the country. I am hopeful that it is just a computer glitch in the program that is correctable. Abdul-Latif Tariq
The crescent moon is not representative of Islam and was never used by the Prophet. The symbol is actually a pagan symbol not an Islamic one. Other than this, I enjoy the app and had no problems with it. I just find it odd that for this to be an Islamic app, that such a tiny mistake was ignorantly made.